홈으로 > Foreign Screening > English examination guide > Precision health screening

Honeymooners checkup

  • The health screening for couple consist of a pregnancy planning after marriage.
    For man: Health status check of men associated with the male sex hormone.
    For woman: Health status check of women associated with rubella antibodies, U/S pelvis.
  • Required time : around 3-4 hours / Monday-Friday(weekdays except holidays)
Screening items Male Critical items of detailed examination + male hormone blood test
(free testosterone/SHBG)
Female Basic(Wellbeing all items) + ultrasonsgraphy of Breast/
Thyroid/Pelvic ultrasound
blood testvaricella Ab/Rubella Ab/
Follic acid /FSH/E2/LH)
Cost of checkup Male 792,000won
Female 1,272,000won